
Supporting us

We rely on donations to continue our research work, including dendrochronology, and to share our findings with the public.

If you would like to make a one off donation or set up a regular standing order you can do this here.

The most cost effective way for us is for you to do a bank transfer directly to the charity’s bank account:-

  • Name: Domestic Buildings Research Group (Surrey)
  • Sort code: 40 52 40
  • Account No. 00007645
  • Reference: Donation

You can also use these details to set up a regular standing order with your bank.

If you would prefer, you can .

Gift aid

Gift Aid can be reclaimed on your donations to the Domestic Buildings Research Group (Surrey) from the tax you pay for the current tax year. Your address is needed to identify you as a current UK taxpayer. In order to Gift Aid your donations please complete the form below.

Gift Aid Declaration

Fields marked with a red asterisk () are required.

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If you have previously submitted a gift aid declaration and would like to update your details, or no longer wish gift aid to be claimed, then please contact the membership secretary. Contact details can be found here.